How to Make Money Online with Canva Templates Step-by-Step Guide

Great Opportunity Selling Canva Templates

Creating and Promoting Canva Templates is a great opportunity to make money online nowadays. Visual content material has become essential for organizations, content creators, and entrepreneurs. Many are willing to allocate funds to captivating images to stand out in the competitive online market.

Canva is a famous graphic design platform that lets customers create beautiful designs with its variety of templates for all purposes. We can make use of the Canva User-friendly interface and create our own unique Canva templates for sale. 

In this blog, we're going to delve into the sector of Canva Templates and how to monetize with your Canva Templates and design.

By the end of this post, you'll not only grasp the 'what' and 'why' of Canva Templates for online businesses but also the 'how' of turning your design passion into a profitable Canva design venture.

So, let's dive in and explore how Canva Templates can transform your online presence and financial future through Canva Template entrepreneurship.

Benefits of Using Canva Templates

1. Time and Effort Efficiency:

Canva templates are a great for individuals and businesses looking to save valuable time and effort in their design projects. Here's how:

canva templates can be time and effort efficiency
  • Rapid Creation: Canva templates provide pre-designed, visually appealing starting points for various projects. Whether you need a social media post, presentation, business card, or flyer, you can begin with a Canva template that's already well-structured and aesthetically pleasing. This eliminates the need to start from scratch and significantly speeds up the design process.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Canva's user-friendly interface ensures that users of all design skill levels can easily customize templates. You don't need to be a professional designer to create eye-catching visuals. Canva's drag-and-drop functionality simplifies the design process, allowing you to focus on your content and message.
  • Consistency: Canva templates help maintain consistency in branding and design across different platforms and materials. This is especially important for businesses looking to establish a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. With templates, you can ensure that your visuals always adhere to your brand's style guidelines.

2. Professional Quality:

Canva is renowned for the professional quality of its templates, and this is crucial for making a positive impression online:

use canva templates for professional quality design
  • Polished Designs: Professional designers create Canva templates, ensuring they meet high design standards. They incorporate current design trends and aesthetics, which can enhance the credibility and appeal of your content.
  • Customization Without Compromise: While templates offer a starting point, they are highly customization. You can modify colors, fonts, images, and other elements to align with your brand or personal style. This customization allows you to retain the professional quality of the template while making it uniquely yours.
  • Print-Ready Materials: Canva offers templates for print materials like business cards, brochures, and posters. These templates are designed with print specifications in mind, ensuring that your physical materials look professional and print correctly.
  • 3. Variety and Versatility:

    One of the standout advantages of Canva templates is the sheer variety and versatility they offer:

    canva templates create variety and versatility
  • Diverse Templates: Canva provides a vast library of templates covering a wide range of purposes and industries. Whether you're creating content for social media, websites, marketing collateral, or educational materials, you'll find templates tailored to your needs.
  • Niche-Specific Templates: Canva templates cater to specific niches, making it easy for businesses and creators to find templates that resonate with their target audience. This specificity can lead to more engagement and higher conversion rates.
  • Regular Updates: Canva regularly updates its template library to reflect current design trends and emerging needs. This ensures that you have access to fresh and relevant templates to keep your content up-to-date and engaging.
  • Getting Started by Selling Canva Templates and Make Money Online

    make money online with canva template

    STEP 1: Market Research 

    Market research is a crucial first step when you want to make money online with Canva templates. It helps you understand your target audience, identify niche opportunities, and tailor your template offerings to meet market demand. Here's how to conduct effective market research for Canva templates:

    1. Define Your Target Audience:

    • Start by defining the specific group of people or businesses you want to create templates for. Consider factors like demographics, interests, industries, and pain points.
    • Determine their design needs and preferences. What types of templates would resonate with this audience?

    2. Analyze Market Trends:

    • Stay informed about design trends and current events in the industry. This can help you identify what types of templates are currently in demand.
    • Monitor social media, design blogs, and relevant forums to get insights into what people are looking for.

    3. Competitor Analysis:

    • Research your competitors, especially those who are successful in the Canva template market.
    • Analyze their template offerings, pricing strategies, and customer reviews. Identify gaps in their offerings that you can fill or areas where you can differentiate.

    4. Keyword Research:

    • Use keyword research tools to identify popular search terms related to Canva templates and design needs within your niche.
    • This can help you optimize your templates and content for search engines and discover what potential customers are looking for.

    5. Explore Marketplaces:

    • Browse online marketplaces like Etsy, Gumroad, or Creative Market to see which types of Canva templates are selling well.
    • Pay attention to customer reviews and comments to understand what buyers like and dislike about existing templates.

    6. Pricing Research:

    • Research the pricing of similar Canva templates in your niche. This will help you set competitive and appealing prices for your offerings.
    • Consider offering different pricing tiers (e.g., basic, standard, premium) to cater to different customer budgets.

    Effective market research lays the foundation for a successful Canva template business. It ensures that your templates align with market needs, increasing the likelihood of attracting customers and generating income online 

    STEP 2: Templates Type 

    Decide the specific type of Canva templates that you wish to specialize in. Creating the right kind of product line is the key factor that will determine your success in selling Canva templates.

    If you’re a complete beginner and have no clue where to start, you may refer to my other blog post on the Type Of Canva Templates that are Marketable

    STEP 3: Specific Niche

    When choosing a niche to specialize in, it's important to consider your skills and interests. What kind of templates are you good at creating?

    What kind of templates are you passionate about? It's also important to consider the market demand. What kind of templates are people looking for?

    Once you've chosen a niche, you can start creating templates that are specifically designed for your target audience. 

    Here are some additional tips for choosing a profitable niche:

    • Look for niches that are growing. The more people who are interested in a particular type of template, the more potential there is to make money.
    • Choose an underserved niche. If there is a lot of competition in a particular niche, it may be difficult to stand out. Instead, look for niches where there are fewer sellers.
    • Choose a niche that you are passionate about. If you're not interested in the topic of your templates, it will be difficult to create high-quality products.

    Once you've chosen a niche, you can start creating and selling your Canva templates. With effort and dedication, you can build a successful business selling Canva templates online

    Selecting the right niche can be a major challenge for beginners. If you're struggling to decide on a Canva template niche, you can find guidance below on "Top Niches for Canva Templates"

    Top Niches for Canva Templates

    While the options for creating Canva templates are limitless, certain niches stand out as particularly popular.

    Social Media Graphics:

    Templates designed for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest posts, covers, and stories are consistently in constant demand by individuals, influences, and businesses aiming to maintain good results on social media platforms.

    Marketing & Advertising:

    Canva templates for online marketing - Templates for marketing materials, including flyers, brochures, banners, and posters. Marketers and businesses frequently require visually appealing templates to promote their products and services.

    Business and Corporate:

    Canva templates for online business - Templates for professional presentations, business cards, letterheads, and invoices. These are essential for businesses of all sizes to maintain a consistent brand identity.

    E-commerce and Online Stores:

    Templates for product listings, banners, and promotional graphics for online stores and e-commerce platforms. As e-commerce continues to grow, these templates are in high demand.

    Education and E-Learning: 

    Templates for educational materials, worksheets, lesson plans, and course materials. With the rise of online education, educators and course creators seek attractive templates to engage their students.

    Health and Wellness: 

    Templates for fitness programs, meal plans, health journals, and wellness content. This niche caters to the increasing interest in health and self-care.

    Travel and Tourism:

    Templates for travel itineraries, destination guides, and vacation planning materials. As travel and tourism rebound, these templates are valuable.

    Weddings and Events: 

    Templates for wedding invitations, save-the-date cards, event programs, and party decorations. This evergreen niche caters to special occasions.

    Blogging and Content Creation: 

    Templates for blog graphics, featured images, and content promotion on websites and social media. Bloggers and content creators consistently require visually appealing templates.

    Real Estate: 

    Templates for property listings, real estate flyers, and homebuying guides. With the real estate market thriving, these templates are essential for agents and brokers.

    STEP 4: Target Audience 

    Who Is Your Target Buyer? What kinds of templates would be valuable to them or solve their problem? Determine the common challenges or pain points that your target audience faces when creating designs.

    Your templates should address these pain points and make their tasks easier.

    STEP 5: Sign-up Canva

     It is free. Starting a Canva template business doesn't require a huge investment. In fact, Canva offers a free version that provides access to a wide range of design elements.

    STEP 6: Start Making money with design on Canva

    Start designing the templates using Canva's drag-and-drop interface. Ensure that your templates are visually appealing, easy to customize, and meet the needs of your target audience.

    Because we need a Canva design for profit not just hobby. Ensure you produce a greater quantity of designs, as quantity does matter.

    STEP 7: Export From Canva

    Once your designs are complete, save them as template links in Canva so that they can be shared and edited.

    STEP 8: Create a Portfolio of Templates and design a Product Image

    Design a collection of templates tailored to your chosen niche. Ensure they are visually appealing offer value to your target audience and are able to monetize your Canva creations.

    Beginners often overlook the importance of creating eye-catching product images. This will serve as your primary sales tool. 

    STEP 9: Set Up your Shop and start Earning with Canva templates

    Set Up an Online Canva template Marketplace and Sell digital templates. Decide where to set up your shop - Marketplace, Social Media Platform, or Own Website. Even all these platforms! List your products in your shops. 

    • Choose an online marketplace platform like Etsy, Gumroad, or your own website to sell your Canva templates.
    • Create a seller account and set up your storefront, providing clear descriptions and pricing for your templates

    Refer Below for where you make Online income with Canva template Details.

    Where Can You Sell Canva Templates

    • Creative Market
    • Etsy
    • Design Bundles
    • Design Cuts
    • Creative Fabrica
    • Pinterest
    • Gumroad
    • Sellfy
    • Own Website
    make money online with canva templates marketplace etsy

    STEP 10: Market/promote your products

     The marketing process is also the core of the business. For Canva templates there are a few ways we can start promoting.

    • Leverage social media platforms. Share your templates on various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Use visually appealing images or graphics to market your products.
    • Email Marketing: Regularly send out newsletters or updates to your subscribers featuring your new templates or special promotions.
    • Content Marketing: Start a blog or create valuable content related to your niche or industry. Share tips, tutorials, or design inspiration that can naturally lead readers to your Canva templates

    STEP 11: Monitor Sales and Iterate - Stay Informed and Evolve

    • Track the performance of your Canva templates in terms of sales, customer feedback, and engagement.
    • Use this data to refine your templates, create new ones, and adjust your marketing strategies accordingl
    • Keep up with design trends, Canva updates, and changes in your niche.  
    • Continuously improve your template offerings to meet evolving market demands.

    Legal Considerations

    Protecting Your CanvaTemplates Legally

    As you start your journey of selling canva templates, it's essential to understand the legal aspects that come with it. Here, we'll cover some crucial legal considerations to ensure you're on the right side of the law:

    1. Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues

    First things first, let's talk about copyright and intellectual property. When you create your Canva Templates, they automatically become your intellectual property. This means others can't copy or use your designs without your permission. It's like owning a piece of art – yours, and you have the rights.

    2. Licensing and Protecting Your Work

    To safeguard your work, consider licensing your Canva Templates. Licensing permits others to use your templates in specific ways. For example, you can allow personal use but not resale. There are different types of licenses, like Creative Commons licenses, that help protect your work while allowing various levels of usage.

    Another way to protect your work is by adding watermarks to your templates. Watermarks are light, semi-transparent marks placed on your design, making it harder for others to use your work without permission.

    3. Handling Disputes and Copyright Violations

    Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might encounter disputes or copyright violations. It's essential to have a plan to address these issues:

    Contact the Offender: If you believe someone is using your templates without permission, contact them politely. Sometimes, it could be a misunderstanding.

    File a Copyright Complaint: If a resolution is not reached, you may need to file a copyright complaint with the platform where your templates are sold. They often have procedures to handle copyright issues.

    Legal Action: In extreme cases, you may need to consult a legal expert and consider taking legal action to protect your intellectual property.

    The key here is to be proactive about protecting your work while being prepared to address any violations or disputes that may arise. Your creative efforts deserve protection, and understanding the legal aspects of your business is essential for long-term success.

    By taking these legal considerations seriously, you can confidently navigate the world of selling planner templates and ensure your hard work and creativity remain protected and respected.

    Canva Template Statictic

    • According to a Creative Market survey, the average Canva seller earns $500 per month. The top 10% of Canva sellers earn over $10,000 per month.
    • Etsy is the most popular platform for Canva template sales, with over 30 million active buyers.

    These statistics show that there is a large and growing market for Canva templates. If you're interested in making money online, selling Canva templates is a great opportunity to start your Canva template entrepreneurship journey NOW.

    canva templates make money online selling statistic

    5 Canva Template Selling Tips

    1. Build a Professional Portfolio: Showcase your best Canva templates in a portfolio to attract potential customers. Highlight your expertise in specific niches or design styles.
    2. Offer Subscriptions to Subscribers: Create a subscription model where customers can access new templates regularly. Subscriptions provide a steady stream of income and build customer loyalty.
    3. Create Your Own Website: Establish a professional website to showcase and sell your Canva templates. A dedicated website adds credibility and control over your brand.
    4. Sell Products in Bundle Deals: Group related templates into bundles for added value to customers. Bundle deals encourage customers to make larger purchases.
    5. Leverage Social Media: Use social media platforms to promote your Canva templates. Collaborate with influencers, share design tips, and engage with your target audience.

    Common Mistake to Avoid


    When creating Canva templates to sell, it is crucial to understand what can and cannot be sold.

    Mistake 1

    Designs infringe on copyright laws. Use of licensed fonts & images only.

    Mistake 2

    Using trademarked logos or brand elements in your templates. 

    Mistake 3

    Overlook Market Research :Did not conducting market research


    Making and selling Canva templates online can be a great way to earn money. If you choose the right category, create high-quality designs, and use good marketing, you can make a steady income while enjoying what you do.

    Keep up with the latest design trends and keep improving your skills to stay competitive.

    Take advantage of the opportunities the internet offers and start your journey in making and selling Canva templates. With dedication and creativity, you can turn your love for design into a profitable online business.

    Frequent Ask Question

    make money online with canva templates FAQ

    What are Canva templates, and how can they help me make money online?

    Canva templates are pre-designed graphic assets that can be customized for various purposes. They can help you make money online by simplifying the design process, allowing you to create and sell visual content, or offer design services to others.

    What are Canva templates, and how can they help me make money online?

    Canva templates are pre-designed graphic assets that can be customized for various purposes. They can help you make money online by simplifying the design process, allowing you to create and sell visual content, or offer design services to others.

    Do I need graphic design skills to use Canva templates for profit?

    While graphic design skills can be helpful, Canva's user-friendly interface and templates make it accessible to beginners. You can start without extensive design knowledge and gradually improve your skills.

    Where can I find Canva templates to use for making money online?

    Canva offers a wide range of templates within its platform. You can also explore third-party websites, marketplaces, or subscription services that provide premium Canva templates for sale.

    What are some tips for creating Canva templates that sell well?

    Research popular niches and trends, create templates with a clear target audience in mind, offer customization options, and maintain high-quality design standards to increase the appeal of your templates.

    Do I need to invest in a Canva Pro subscription to sell templates?

    Only Canva Pro subscription able to ctreate template link with can give to your client as an editable templates. However, with free canva account you still able to export your design as PDF for your client.And of cause Pro subscription also may enhance your capabilities and options.

    Are there success stories of people making money with Canva templates?

    Yes, there are numerous success stories of individuals and businesses earning income by selling Canva templates or using them in their marketing efforts. Share some examples or case studies in your blog post.