Canva Ebook: Create Free Ebook To Make Money Online

The Benefits of Ebook and Canva as the Ideal Tool

Ebook are the new cool nowadays. They can help you share knowledge, promote businesses, and generate income. Most importantly, creating one has never been easier

Ebook have revolutionized the best way we consume information. Whether you're an author, entrepreneur, or a business looking to expand your reach, ebooks can be a valuable asset in your digital strategy.

When it comes to designing professional-looking ebook, Canva is the perfect ebook creator to help you efficiently achieve great results. Canva, a popular design tool that many already use for creating great graphics and social media posts, is equally effective in ebook content creation.

Canva templates for ebook makes crafting professional-looking ebook a breeze, thanks to its many canva library templates, fonts, images, and illustrations. Even if you have not gained prior design experience or access to professional software, Canva empowers you to create visually appealing ebooks that leave a lasting impression on your readers.

One of the primary purposes of an ebook is to serve as a lead magnets or freebie that attract potential customers to engage with your brand. Exchange valuable content for their contact information to nurture a dedicated audience and build connections with potential customers.

Moreover, selling ebooks online has become a lucrative opportunity for individuals looking to make money from their knowledge or expertise. With various online marketplaces, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or Etsy, you can easily reach a vast global audience and generate passive income through ebook sales. 

Canva's design capabilities enable you to create visually striking covers and page layouts that catch the attention of potential buyers just like a graphic designer and increase your chances of sales success. 

Whether you are looking to attract leads, offer valuable content, or make money online by selling in marketplaces, Canva equips you with the tools necessary to stand out in the digital world.

Author earn with design


There are various methods to earn money online using Canva beyond creating ebooks. You can explore more make money online with canva in my blog posts: "How to Create Canva Printable and Make Money Online" and "How to Create Canva Planner Templates and Make Money Online." 

These resources delve deeper into additional ways to leverage Canva for online income.

how to make money online with canva ebook

What Type of Ebook - How long should an Ebook be?

First thing when choosing the right ebook type, consider your audience, goals, and the content you aim to deliver. Long-form and short-form ebook offer unique advantages and can be impactful in various scenarios.

Long-form Ebook

  • Typically consisting of 50+ number of pages
  • More comprehensive and in-depth. They allow you to cover a topic extensively, providing detailed information and analysis.
  • Ideal for complex subjects or establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. Readers looking for a deep dive into a particular topic will appreciate the thoroughness and value of a long-form ebook.

Short-form Ebook

  • usually ranging from 10 to 30 pages, are concise and focused most important parts of the topic
  • Great for providing quick solutions or addressing specific pain points
  • Buyers can easily consume Short-form ebooks in one sitting, and they are perfect for capturing the attention of busy readers who prefer bite-sized information. 
  • Work well as lead magnets or introductory materials to attract potential customers.
canva ebook long form and short form to make money online with canva

Ultimately, the choice between long-form and short-form depends on your audience's preferences, content goals, and the time you have available to create the E-book.

Consider combining both formats by creating short-form ebooks covering different aspects of a larger topic.

Who Wants to Create Ebook & Target Audience

You are in the right place if you are a marketer, blogger, or coach looking to create an ebook templates. Ebook have become a popular and effective way to share valuable information, establish authority in your field, and engage with your target audience or email list.

  • Marketers can leverage ebook as a powerful lead-generation tool. Marketers can capture leads and guide them through the sales funnel by providing a carefully crafted canva ebooks that tackles audience pain points and offers actionable solutions.
  • Bloggers can use chosen template ebook to expand their blog posts content and provide more in-depth knowledge to their readers. Ebook adds value to their audience and helps bloggers position themselves as experts in their niche.
  • Coaches can create ebooks to share their expertise and guide their clients. Ebook can serve as comprehensive resources that clients can refer to whenever they need support or advice.
canva ebook who create ebook and target audience and make money online

Regardless of your profession, if you have valuable knowledge or insights you want to share with others, creating an ebook is a good idea. It helps you establish yourself as an authority figure within your industry.

So whether you are a marketer looking for lead generation opportunities, a blogger wanting to expand your posts content strategy, or a coach aiming to provide additional resources for your clients, creating an ebook should be a great way.

Market Research for Creating a Sellable Ebook

Market research is essential to create a Sellable Ebook. It helps you identify a profitable niche, choose the right topic, and understand your competition. Here's how you can conduct effective market research:

canva ebook market research to make money online selling ebook marketplace

1. Identify a Niche

Start by brainstorming potential niches that interest you and have a target audience. Look for areas where there is demand but limited competition. Consider people's problems or needs and think about how your Ebook can provide a solution or valuable information.

2. Topic Selection

Once you have identified a few potential niches, narrow down your options by evaluating their profitability and market size. Search for niche-related keywords and leverage tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to gauge search volume and competition levels. Choose a topic that has sufficient demand but isn't over saturated.

3. Competitor Analysis

Research your competitors already offering ebooks in similar niches. Study their content, pricing, marketing approaches, and customer reviews. Gain valuable insights into successful market practices to distinguish your Ebook from others.

4. Customer Feedback

Engage with your target audience through surveys, forums, social media groups, or online communities to gather feedback on potential ebook topics. Inquire about their preferences, challenges, and what they consider valuable enough to invest in.

5. Market Validation

Before investing time and resources into creating your Ebook, validate your chosen topic by conducting a pre-launch campaign or offering a smaller version as a lead magnet. Market research will help gauge interest and validate the demand for your chosen niche.

Remember, the key to success in the ebook market is to offer unique value that sets you apart from competitors. Use market research to identify gaps in existing offerings, understand customer needs, and create a compelling ebook that meets those needs effectively.

Get a head start on Niche and Topic selection with AI

When it comes to quickly starting with niche and topic selection, you have a few options that can assist you effectively. Chat GPT, Google BARD, and Canva Magic Write are all AI powerful tools that can provide valuable guidance. Let's explore how each can help you select your niche and choose a topic.


A conversational AI language model, ChatGPT engages in discussions and provides suggestions. It's a tool for brainstorming ideas through interactive dialogue.
Provide some initial information about your interests, passions, or expertise, and Chat GPT will generate potential niche options and topic ideas to consider.
Example conversation:
You: "I'm interested in starting a blog. I enjoy cooking and DIY projects. Can you suggest some niches?"
Chat GPT: "Sure! How about considering niches like 'Gourmet Recipes' or 'Home Improvement Hacks'?"

Google BARD

Bard can be a powerful tool for helping you select a niche and topic for your ebook. By using Bard's ability to access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep its response consistent with search results, you can get insights into what people are interested in reading about. For example, you can use Bard to:

Identify trending topics 
Bard can show you what topics are currently being talked about on social media, in news articles, and on other websites. This can give you a good starting point for brainstorming potential ebook topics.

Find out what people are searching for
Bard can show you what people are searching for on Google. This can help you identify topics that people are interested in learning more about.

See what's popular in your genre 
If you're already interested in a particular genre, Bard can show you what's popular in that genre. This can help you narrow down your topic choices.

Get feedback on your ideas 
Once you have a few potential topics in mind, you can use Bard to get feedback from others. For example, you can ask Bard to generate a list of pros and cons for each topic. Once you've used Bard to gather some information, you can start to narrow down your choices.

Canva Magic Write

Canva Magic Write is an AI-powered feature within the Canva design platform that helps generate content ideas. It can inspire you to choose a niche and suggest topics based on your preferences.
canva ebook AI TOOLS_ CANVA MAGIC WRITE to make money online 1
canva ebook AI TOOLS_ CANVA MAGIC WRITE 2 to make money online
To use Canva Magic Write you first need to have a Canva Pro Account :
- Log in to Canva account and open a new design.
- Click on the "Create a design" button.
- Select the doc type of content you want to create 
- In the blank template, click on the + button or type / for magic write
- Enter keywords related to your interests or niche ideas and press generate
- Canva Magic Write will generate topic suggestions and relevant content ideas for you to explore.

Keep in mind that these tools are designed to aid you in the selection of niches and topics. It's essential to conduct further research

Mapping out all the Pages for your Ebook

When planning the overall structure of your Ebook, there are several pages that you should consider including to make it informative and engaging for your readers. Here are some relevant pages that you may want to have:

canva ebook all the pages to make an ebook and make money online

1. About Pages

Start your Ebook first page with a compelling introduction about yourself or your company. Demonstrate your expertise, qualifications, and pertinent achievements to establish credibility and foster trust among your readers.

2. Table of Contents

A well-structured and organized table of contents is crucial for effortless navigation within your Ebook. It allows readers to quickly locate specific chapters or topics they are interested in, making their reading experience more efficient.

3. Content Page

These are the main body pages of your Ebook, where you dive deep into the topics you're covering. Meticulously organize each chapter or section, delivering valuable insights and information to your readers with proper page layout.

4. Resource Library

Consider including a resource library or appendix section where you can provide additional materials such as worksheets, templates, checklists, or links to external resources. It adds resource value to your E-book and helps readers apply what they've learned.

5. Call to Action Pages

Throughout your Ebook, strategically place call-to-action (CTA) pages to encourage readers to take the next step. CTAs, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, downloading a freebie, or purchasing your product/service, serve as pivotal tools to convert readers into active prospects or customers.

6. Invitations to Join Your Community or Connect on Social media Platforms 

Foster a sense of community by inviting readers to join your online community or connect with you on social media platforms. Community creates an opportunity for ongoing engagement and builds a loyal audience.

7. Thank You Page: 

End your Ebook last page with a heartfelt thank you message that expresses gratitude for the reader's time and interest. The page is also an ideal place to provide contact information for readers with questions or feedback.

By incorporating these pages into your Ebook, you can create a comprehensive and engaging reading experience that captures your readers' attention and encourages them to take action.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Designing an Ebook Using Canva

Step 1: Planning content of your Ebook for Success

When creating an ebook, proper planning is critical to ensuring its success. Following these simple steps, you can set yourself up for a well-received and impactful ebook.

  • Conduct Target Audience Research: Before starting the writing process, it's vital to comprehend your target audience. Conduct extensive research to grasp audience needs, interests, and challenges. This understanding will enable you to craft an ebook that precisely addresses their preferences, rendering it more engaging and valuable.
  • Choose an Ebook Topic: Once you understand your target audience, select a topic that suits their interests and addresses a specific problem they may face. Consider the expertise you can share and the unique value you can provide. A great topic will help ensure your Ebook stands out and resonates with your readers.
  • Outline Your Ebook: Creating a detailed outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and structuring your content effectively. Start by identifying the key sections or chapters of your Ebook based on your chosen topic.
  • Subtopics or key points: Break down each section into subtopics or key points you want to cover. Outline will provide a clear roadmap for writing your Ebook and keep you focused.

Remember, a well-planned ebook sets the foundation for its success. By conducting target audience research, selecting an engaging topic, and creating a comprehensive outline, you're on your way to creating an ebook that will captivate readers and d

Step 2: Getting Started with Canva and Setting Up Your Ebook Project

Crafting an Ebook via Canva offers a fantastic opportunity to present your content with visual appeal and professionalism. Here are 3 ways to create an Ebook using Canva:

1. Create from scratch

If you have a clear vision of how you want your Ebook to look, you can start from blank template. Start by choosing the suitable dimensions for your Ebook, tailor the layout, and incorporate your preferred elements like text, images, charts, or icons.

Canva's intuitive interface enables effortless dragging and dropping of features, along with easy adjustments of colors, fonts, and overall design personalization.

2. Utilize Canva's extensive library of premade canva templates as a foundation for your Ebook creation 

Explore the diverse collection of professionally crafted templates, choose the one that aligns with your needs, and personalize it to align with your branding or content specifications. This method saves time while allowing you to create a visually stunning canva designs Ebook.

3. Import Template from the marketplace

Canva's marketplace offers a wide range of premium templates created by professional designers. This option is perfect if you're looking for high-quality templates with unique own ebook designs.

Search for Ebook templates in the marketplace, select the one you like, and import it into Canva. Customize the template by adding content and adjusting the design elements.

Here's an easy Step-by-Step Guide to kickstart your Ebook design with Canva Premade Templates

1. Register for a Canva free account by visiting Canva websites:

This grants you access to many free design tools and templates.

2. Choose the suitable template for your Ebook:

Once logged in, select the "Create a design" button and choose either the A4 or US Letter size, depending on your preference. Canva has a vast collection of templates, so take some time to browse through them and find one that suits the style and theme of your Ebook.

3. Customize it:

To match your vision. Easily modify text by clicking on text part and making necessary adjustments. Tailor font styles, sizes, colors, and alignments to ensure the text is attention-grabbing.

4. Insert elements and images:

To make your Ebook visually appealing, consider adding features such as shapes, icons, or illustrations. Canva provides a wide range of these elements in its library for you to choose from. You also have the option to upload your own photo or pick from Canva's vast collection to complement and enrich your content further.

5. Replace elements and images:

If there are any elements or pictures in the template that you want to replace with your own, click on them and upload your desired image or choose one from Canva's library. This will help personalize your Ebook and make it unique to your brand or topic.

6. Change the colors:

To match your branding or preferred color scheme, you can easily change the colors of various elements within your design. Canva allows you to modify the color palette by selecting individual components and choosing new colors from the available options.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating an impressive ebook design using Canva. Feel free to explore different features and experiment with various templates until you find the perfect fit for your project. Happy designing!

Step 3: Designing Captivating Ebook Covers and Title Pages that Attract Readers

Designing captivating beautiful ebook cover page and title pages is crucial in attracting readers and grabbing their attention. Here are some tips to help you create visually appealing ebook cover page and title pages that will entice your audience:

canva ebook Captivating Ebook Covers & Title Pages to make money online with canva

1. Understand your target audience:

It's essential to understand your target audience clearly. Consider their preferences, interests, and design trends that resonate with them.

2. Keep it simple yet impactful:

A clutter-free design often works best for ebook covers and title pages. Direct your attention to one or two key elements that encapsulate the essence of your book, creating a powerful and visually striking impact.

3. Use high-quality visuals:

Incorporate eye-catching visuals that are relevant to your book's content. High-resolution images or illustrations can significantly enhance the appeal of your cover and title page.

4. Choose enticing colors:

Color is vital in attracting attention and evoking emotions. Select colors that complement your book's genre or topic while also considering the psychology behind different hues.

5. Typography matters:

When designing your ebook cover and title page, consider typography. Choose fonts that are legible, attractive, and appropriate for the genre of your book. Experiment with font sizes, styles, and hierarchy to create a visually pleasing composition.

6. Create a focal point:

Direct the reader's attention by incorporating a focal point in your design. This could be an image, a catchy title, or an intriguing tagline that immediately grabs their interest.

7. Use compelling titles:

Your book's title should be clear, concise, and captivating. It should give readers an idea of what to expect while piquing their curiosity. Experiment with different fonts, sizes, and placements to make it stand out.

8. Maintain consistency:

Maintain a consistent theme or style throughout your ebook cover and title page to create a cohesive look. It aids in building brand recognition, simplifying readers' association of your books with your author's brand.

Remember, your ebook cover and title page are readers' first visual impressions of your book. Devoting time and effort to craft captivating designs with compelling visuals significantly enhances the likelihood of beautiful readers and entices them to delve deeper into your content.

Step 4: Crafting Engaging Content Pages Using Canva's Easy-to-Use Features and Templates

Crafting engaging content pages is essential for creating a captivating ebook that will keep your readers hooked. With Canva toolbar, you can effortlessly create visually appealing and professional-looking ebook page from available templates.

canva ebook Crafting Engaging Content Pages and make sellable ebook with canva
  • Using text boxes and shapes in Canva to organize your content. Text boxes enable you to insert your own text and format text, while shape can be employed to design visually appealing elements like call to action boxes or icons. 
  • Incorporate images and graphics into your pages to make your Ebook more visually appealing. In Canva, you can access a diverse selection of free photos, illustrations, and icons. Effortlessly drag and drop these elements onto your pages. Doing so breaks up the text and enhances the engagement of your content.
  • If you need to duplicate, move, or delete pages, Canva makes it simple. Just select the page you want to copy or delete, or drag and drop it to rearrange the order of your pages.
  • Adding new layouts can also add variety to your Ebook. Canva provides a wide selection of pre-designed layouts that you can choose from to give each page a unique look while maintaining a consistent overall design.
  • Creating content with page numbers is essential for easy navigation. 
  • Including a table of contents is also important for guiding readers through your Ebook. With Canva, you can easily create a table of contents by adding links to each chapter or section.
  • Adding a title page will give your Ebook a professional touch. You can customize the title, subtitle, author name, and any other relevant information using Canva's editing tools.
  • Headers and footers are essential for branding and providing additional information on each page. You can include your logo, website URL, or copyright information in the header or footer section of your Ebook.
  • Consider adding chapter headings to make it easier for readers to navigate through different chapters. This will help them quickly identify the content they are looking for.
  • Using subheadings within chapters can also improve readability and make it easier for readers to scan through the content. Canva allows you to format and customize subheadings easily to make them stand out.
  • For a unified design in your Ebook, opt for a theme or color palette and use to it consistently. Canva provides an array of design elements, fonts, and color schemes for crafting a cohesive visual identity.
  • Before finalizing your Ebook, it's crucial to read the Ebook and proofread the content thoroughly

Step 5: Download Your Ebook in Canva

free ebook template download your ebook template in camva step-by-step

To download your final product of Ebook in Canva, follow these steps:

1. First Step Open your ebook page in Canva.

2. Locate the "Download" button in the Canva dashboard top-right corner.

3. Choose the file format you prefer for your Ebook, such as PDF Standard or JPG.

4. Select the desired quality and size of the downloaded file.

5. To initiate the download, click the "Download" button.

Once Ebook has downloaded check its format to ensure it meets the marketplace requirements where you plan to list your product. Different marketplaces may have specific format for Ebook guidelines that you need to adhere to.

To check the marketplace format for listing your product, visit the website or platform where you intend to sell your ebook books for their guidelines or FAQs section, as they often provide detailed information on accepted file formats, dimensions, and any other specific requirements.

Good luck with your ebook venture!

Step 7: Optimizing Your Ebook for Online Selling Platforms

Optimizing your Ebook for online selling platforms is crucial to ensure its success in the digital Ebook marketplace. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offer great opportunities for authors to reach a broad audience, but is very competitive.

To help you stand out and maximize your sales potential, here are some steps to consider:

1. Formatting for e-reader Ebook

Different e-readers have varying display capabilities, so it's essential to format your Ebook accordingly. Guarantee readability by adjusting font sizes and line spacing to ensure your text is easily legible.

Pay attention to page breaks, headers, footers, and chapter headings to provide a seamless reading experience across all devices.

2. Selecting the right file format

Most online platforms accept ebooks in formats like MOBI or EPUB. Ensure your Ebook is compatible with your venue, which will impact how it appears on readers' devices.

Test your Ebook on different devices and make any necessary adjustments before publishing.

3. Creating an eye-catching cover

A visually appealing cover can significantly impact sales. Invest in professional cover design or use design tools that cater specifically to ebook covers.

Your body should reflect your book's genre and target audience while grabbing readers ' attention in a crowded marketplace.

4. Writing compelling product descriptions

Craft a persuasive and engaging product description that entices potential readers to click on your Ebook. Spotlight your book's unique selling points, emphasizing its benefits, genre, and any accolades or endorsements it has garnered.

Use persuasive language and consider including keywords relevant to your target audience for better discoverability.

5. Utilizing keywords strategically

Keywords play a vital role in helping readers find your Ebook amidst the online e-book selection. Delve into detail keywords within your niche and organically infuse them into your title, subtitle, and product description.

This strategy enhances your book's visibility in search results and boosts the chances of drawing in intrigued readers.

6. Encouraging reader reviews 

Positive reviews can significantly enhance your E-book's credibility and sales. Motivate readers to share their thoughts by incorporating a call-to-action at the end of your book, on your website, or within your author bio, encouraging them to leave reviews.

Offering incentives, such as a free bonus chapter or exclusive content, can motivate readers to share their thoughts.

By following these steps, you'll optimize your Ebook for the online selling platform and increase its chances of success. Stay proactive by consistently monitoring and adjusting your strategies, aligning them with reader feedback and market trends to optimize visibility and sales.

Download your FREE EBOOK Template Here

We understand the importance of making a quick start when creating ebooks, and we're here to help you with that.

This template has been carefully crafted to assist you in creating captivating and professional ebooks. Enjoy the freedom of using it altogether, saving valuable time and effort while creating top-notch content.

Whether you're a seasoned writer or a newcomer, our template lays a strong foundation for your Ebook, smoothing the process. It includes pre-designed pages and sections, making it easy to customize and personalize your content.

This template will be an excellent resource for your ebook creation journey. Get your hands on our FREE Ebook template now. Enjoy the writing process!

Click to play

FREE Ebook Template and Kickstart NOW!

Craft stunning Ebooks effortlessly with our FREE template! Start writing, publishing, and earning today.

Final Thought

In conclusion, creating a free and easy ebook in Canva is a fantastic way to generate passive income and make money online. With a user-friendly interface and extensive ebook templates, Canva simplifies the process of designing a professional-looking ebook.

By utilizing Canva's features, you can easily customize your Ebook to suit your target audience and niche. Canva allows you to create content that captivates readers and increases the chances of selling your ebook online.

Furthermore, selling digital products such as Ebooks provides an opportunity for long-term passive income. After creating an ebook can be sold multiple times with no additional effort.

Canva's platform offers numerous resources and tools that enable even those with limited design experience to create high-quality ebooks. Canva provides a platform for writers of all levels to develop engaging content to showcase their knowledge and expertise.

So why wait? Start exploring Canva today and unlock the potential to create accessible and easy Ebook that sell online, opening up new avenues for financial success in the digital world.


Can I sell Canva Made Ebook on the Marketplace?

Yes, absolutely! Once you have created your ebook using Canva, you can sell it on different marketplaces. Many authors and content creators use Canva to design their ebooks and then distribute them across various platforms for maximum reach and sales potential.

When selling your ebooks on different marketplaces, it's important to ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of each platform. Some marketplaces may have specific requirements or guidelines for ebook formatting or content, so it's worth checking those before listing your ebook for sale.

Is it possible to Print an Ebook Created on Canva?

Yes, absolutely! While Canva is primarily a digital design platform, you can create an ebook using their templates and then print it if you wish. Canva provides various options for exporting your ebook in different formats, including PDF, which is generally suitable for printing.

Once you have the PDF file, you can send it to a professional printer or utilize your own printer to produce physical copies of your ebook. Just ensure that the formatting and resolution are appropriate for printing to achieve the best results.