How to Make Money Online Selling Canva Templates on Etsy

Selling Canva Templates on Etsy is a legitimate way of making money online. Canva empowers users to create incredible designs, even without advanced technical skills. 

In contrast, Etsy is a global marketplace where individuals can buy or sell handcrafted and vintage items, including digital products like Canva templates. Pairing Canva templates with Etsy creates a winning combination. Etsy has over 96 million active buyers, all looking for unique templates in various niches.

Selling Canva Templates on etsy step-by-step

Selling Canva templates on Etsy allows you to make a product at just one time and sell it over and over again, making money even when you're not actively working.

If you've ever wished to know which Canva products are ideal for selling, how to craft the most effective digital Etsy listings, or the steps to market your Canva templates on Etsy successfully, you're in the right place.

In this guide, we'll walk you through opening your own Etsy shop and selling Canva templates. We'll cover everything from researching your niche and competitors to creating eye-catching templates that sell.
Let's get started!

Can I Still Make Money Online with Etsy by Selling Canva Templates in 2024?

Many individuals question the saturation of selling Canva templates on Etsy in 2024. However, there are abundant opportunities for selling Canva templates on Etsy. Making money online on Etsy can be attributed to several key factors.

selling canva template on etsy 2024
  • Etsy's Continued Popularity: Etsy has maintained its status as one of the largest online marketplaces for handmade, unique, and digital products. With over 96 million active buyers, Etsy's user base remains substantial, ensuring a broad audience for your Canva templates.
  • Growing Demand for Digital Products: The digital products market has steadily increased, and the demand for digital design assets, including Canva templates, remains strong. Many businesses and individuals seek these templates for various purposes like social media marketing, branding, and content creation.
  • Canva's Accessibility: Canva is an exceptionally user-friendly design platform. With Canva, you don't need a professional designer to create attractive templates. Even beginners can quickly learn to use Canva tools to craft appealing designs.
  • Niche Opportunities: Etsy allows you to tap into niche markets. You can tailor your Canva templates to specific industries, such as health and wellness, home decor, or education. Niche specialists can be more focused and engage the audience.
  • Creative Freedom: Running a Canva template shop on Etsy provides a creative outlet. You can design templates that reflect your unique style and creativity. This personal touch can be a selling point for potential buyers.
  • Passive Income Potential: Once you've established your Canva template listings and optimized your shop, you can earn passive Income. Passive Income means that even when you're not actively working on your shop, you can continue to make sales.

Selling Canva templates on Etsy in 2024 is an intelligent way to earn money online. Etsy is still very popular; more people want digital stuff, and Canva is easy to use. When you add your creative ideas and business skills, you have an excellent chance to succeed. By doing things right, finding your niche, and using good marketing, you can keep making money by selling Canva templates on Etsy in the future.

Do I need Canva Pro Account selling Canva Templates on Etsy? (Canva-made)

Here's what you need to know! 

Canva Free vs. Canva Pro: Canva offers both a free and a premium version, known as Canva Pro. The free version provides access to many design tools and templates, making it an excellent starting point for many designers. However, Canva Pro, the subscription-based option, comes with several additional features that can enhance your template design capabilities.

canva pro account to sell canva template on etsy ?

The Etsy Marketplace: Etsy does not explicitly require sellers to have a Canva Pro account to list and sell Canva-made design templates. You can create and list templates on Etsy using the accessible version of Canva. Many successful sellers on Etsy initially start with the free Canva account and later upgrade to Canva Pro as their shop grows.

Optimal Use of Canva Pro: While it's not mandatory, having a Canva Pro account can provide you with tools and features that can help you create more professional, versatile, and unique templates. Canva Pro can be particularly advantageous when you want to stand out in a competitive marketplace like Etsy.

As your Etsy shop evolves and generates Income, upgrading to Canva Pro might be a strategic decision to consider, but it's not a requirement to get started. It depends on your long-term goals as a seller on Etsy.

how to sell canva templates on etsy step-by-step

Step 1: Researching Your Niche & Competitor Selling Canva Templates on Etsy 

Selling Canva templates on Etsy can be highly profitable, but it's crucial to do thorough research to succeed. If you're not sure which niche to pick, I've got you covered. Check out my blog post about the Top niches for Canva Templates. It will help you decide.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Identifying Your Niche: Before you start selling, it's essential to pinpoint your niche. Determine which specific types or niches of templates you want to create and sell. There are three main factors to consider when you choose the right one. It is your skill/resources, your interest & market demand. Select a niche that you're passionate about and that has a market demand. A profitable niche is critical to success. Take some time to research different niches and identify the ones with high demand and low competition.
Etsy serach bar for canva template keywords
  • Etsy Search, Keywords Research & Trend Analysis: Use Etsy's search bar to find your niche and related keywords. Pay attention to the number of search results and the competition (If you have sales samurai chrome extension - Etsy Specific research tool). Using tools is crucial as it provides Etsy sellers with data so that they can make data-driven decisions in the business and not just guess. You can also explore the "Trending Now" section on Etsy to identify current popular items. Always incorporate keywords into your product titles and descriptions to improve your shop's visibility.
Etsy selling categories and trending now research
  • Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors' shops to gain insights into their offerings. Analyze their product listings, pricing strategies, branding, and customer reviews. Identify yourself with Competitor Analysis to help identify opportunities for improvement. Look at what they're offering, their pricing strategies, and their target audience. This research will give you insights into what's already working and what areas you can improve.

Step 2: Create & Develop your First Canva Templates

Once you've chosen a niche, it's time to start creating your Canva templates. Make sure to design templates that are visually appealing and easy to customize. Consider including below to cater to a broader audience.

  • Different Color Option
  • Different Font Choices
  • Add your unique touch to make your templates stand out.

Choosing the right template type and layout is crucial to creating Canva templates that sell on Etsy. One of the best ways to do this is to browse the Etsy marketplace and gather ideas from what other sellers in your niche are offering.

However, it's important not to copy the exact designs of your competitors. Instead, gather inspiration and use it to create unique templates that provide value to your customers.  

When designing eye-catching templates, keep the overall aesthetic in mind. Also, be sure to use high-quality images, vectors, and graphics to ensure that your designs look polished and professional. 

For example, offer editable templates and mockups so customers can visualize the end product and preview changes before purchasing. 

Remember, customers are looking for templates that save them time and money. 

Here are the simple steps to start creating a design from Canva: 

  1. Start with the "Create a design" button at the top right of the Canva dashboard.
  2. Search for the template that you want to create.
  3. Editing your Canva templates.
step-by-step create canva template design

Step 3: Set Up your Canva Templates Etsy store with your Business Branding

Setting up your Etsy store with your business branding is a crucial step in establishing a strong and memorable online presence. Ensure your shop has professional and cohesive branding. You must include your shop banner, logo, and consistent visual elements. Here's a guide to help you through the process:

  • Create Your Etsy Account: Start by signing up for an Etsy account or logging in if you already have one. You must provide your email address, password, and shop name. Follow the instructions to create your shop.
step-by-step register etsy account
step-by-step etsy get started
Ste-by-step how to set up etsy shop preference
  • Choose a Unique Shop Name: Your shop name is a vital part of your branding. Select a name that is unique, relevant to your niche, and easy to remember. Ensure it reflects the identity of your business. You are brainstorming your Etsy shop name. Try to choose a catchy shop name. You can check out this blog if you need help picking a name for your shop. It's called "Top Tips for Choosing Your Etsy Shop Name."
step-by-step name your etsy shop
  • Brand Your Shop Banner: Design a visually appealing shop banner that reflects your brand identity. Include your shop name, logo, or any other brand elements. The banner should be consistent with your shop's theme and niche.
  • Create a Shop Logo: A professional logo adds credibility to your shop. Design a logo that represents your business and can used on your shop banner, product listings, and marketing materials.
  • Write a Shop Bio: In your shop bio, provide more details about your business, background, and design philosophy. Use this section to connect with potential customers on a personal level.
  • Upload a Profile Picture: Use a high-quality image as your profile picture. This could be your business logo, a photo of yourself, or an image that symbolizes your brand.
  • Craft a Strong Shop Announcement: Write an engaging shop announcement that introduces your brand, shares your shop's story, and welcomes visitors. Use this space to convey your shop's mission and values.
set up your etsy shop with branding step-by-step

Remember that a solid and consistent brand identity is essential to create customer trust. With a well-defined brand, you can create a memorable shopping experience for your customers and establish a loyal following for your Etsy shop.

Step 4: Listing your Canva Templates on Etsy

Start by logging into your Etsy seller account and navigating to your shop's dashboard. Click on "Listings" to add a new product.

Product Photo

Making detailed product listings is essential when starting your Canva Templates Etsy shop. Be sure to add good pictures of your templates from different views. Plan ten different pictures to show your Canva templates well. Use square images for best results. Check out the photo ideas below:

  • Show Different Versions: Display various versions of the same template, highlighting different colors or designs.
  • Real-Life Examples: Show how your templates look in real-life situations. For instance, if you sell social media graphics, display them on a phone screen or in a social media post.
  • Close-Up Shots: Provide close-up pictures of important design parts, like fonts, graphics, or detailed details.
  • Customization Steps: Make images that show how customers can customize your templates so they can see how to make them their own.
  • Overview Image: Create a single image that shows all your templates at once. This gives customers a quick look at what they're getting.
  • Comparison Pictures: If you have different template versions, use pictures that compare them to show the differences.
  • Before and After: Show "before" and "after" photos to reveal the difference.
  • Branding and Logo: Include images with your shop's branding, logo, and shop name to make everything look the same.
canva template product listing on etsy

Product Video 

Record Your Canva Templates Design: To show customers how they can customize your templates, use screen recording software to capture your design work in Canva. This is helpful, especially for templates with many steps. After recording, edit the video to make it clear and exciting. You can use video editing tools to cut, adjust, add text, and make the video look and sound better. Start the video with a short intro, give any essential instructions, and encourage viewers to buy your templates.

Video canva tgemplates listing for on etsy

Listing Details

Listing Details include the product title, category, description, and tags.

Etsy listing details step-by-step
Etsy listing description step-by-step guide

Product Title: Choosing the right product title is a big deal. It's crucial to find the right words that people use when looking for what you're selling. If you're a dedicated Etsy seller, it's a good idea to have some tools that help you find these words. Tools like Everbee, Sale Samurai, ERank, or EtsyHunt can be helpful. (If you're starting with a tight budget, Everbee offers a free option. Etsy's search bar and Google Keyword Planner is another great free option) It's a good practice to use words that people are likely to type into the search bar, but don't just throw a bunch of them into your title. Use your common sense to make the title sound suitable and helpful. This way, it's easier for people to find what you're selling.

Product Categories: Picking the correct category for your digital products on Etsy is easy. You can do it by going to the category section and typing what kind of digital product you have. In this blog, we're talking about Canva templates, so you'd type "Canva templates" and then pick the specific type of templates you're selling from the options. It's a simple way to help buyers find your products quickly.

Product Description:

  1. When you're describing your product, make it enjoyable.
  2. Talk about what makes them great, how they can be helpful, and what sets them apart.
  3. Use bullet points to list these points so it's easy for customers to read. You can also use Etsy's tools to show different options, like various colors or fonts, to give customers more choices.

This way, your customers can quickly understand what your templates offer and find the one that's just right for them.

Product Tag: Etsy lets you use up to 13 tags for each listing. Tags are important because they help Etsy know what you're selling and show your product to the right customers. Always use all 13 tags, and make sure each one is different. Use another tag over and over again. Use common sense and consider how your buyers will search for your product. This way, your product can be found by the people who are looking for it.

Etsy listing inventory and price step-by-step

Inventory and Pricing 

When deciding how much to charge for your templates, think about a few things. Think about how good your templates are, how much time you spent on them, and what other sellers charge. You can also offer different prices for different types of customers. This way, you can find the right price that works for you and your customers.

Etsy shipping proccess


When it comes to digital product selling, the shipping part is straightforward. All you have to do is send your PDF to the customer, and you don't have to worry about any other shipping stuff.

Anyway, as a seller of digital products, what we have to do is Upload a PDF file along with a link to our product, or a final PDF product, to give to our customer. Remember to tell your customers how to get to the Canva link and any extra stuff you give them.

Etsy returns and exchanges policy

Set Your Shop's Policies

Define your shop policies. Having clear and honest rules helps customers trust you.

Preview Your Listing

Before you show your listing to everyone, check it to ensure all the pictures, videos, and info are correct and make your templates look good.

Publish and Promote

When you feel good about your listing, publish it in your Etsy shop. Share it on your social media, website, or other places where you promote things so more people can see it.

how to optimize canva template etsy store

Step 5: Optimize & Promote your Canva Templates Etsy store

Improve Your Shop's Visibility:

  1. Use the right keywords in your product listings and shop descriptions to help people find your shop on Etsy.
  2. Once you know the keywords, use them smartly in different parts of your shop and listings. This will help your customer to get your type of product.
  3. Optimize your Etsy listings and shop for search engines to improve your organic visibility.

Use Social Media and Online Marketing: Share your Etsy shop on social media and other places online. Show your Canva templates, how you make them, and any special deals. Keep your branding the same on all the sites you show your stuff.

Build an Email List & Offer a Free Template: Give a free Canva template in exchange for an email address. This gives potential customers a taste of your product and allows you to follow up with them in the future. Also, remember to create engaging content for the email list. Provide exclusive promotions and helpful tips. You can grow your Etsy sales and reach a wider audience.

Give Great Customer Service: Be really good at helping your customers. Answer their questions quickly and listen to what they say in reviews. Getting social proof, such as reviews and testimonials, is essential for building trust and credibility. Always Encourage Reviews. You may Prompt satisfied customers to leave reviews by providing excellent products and service. Another way is Feature Reviews. Showcase positive reviews prominently in your Etsy shop and marketing materials.

Monitor Your Shop Performance: Keep an eye on how your shop is doing using Etsy's analytics. Look at how much you sell, how many people come to your shop, and what your customers do. This helps you make good choices and improve sales. Adjust your strategies and drive improvement.

Consider Etsy Ads: Etsy Ads are a great way to show your listings more often. Check if these ads help you sell more and make more money. You can get your audience and increase the visibility of your products. Daily bit on specific keywords when your store is ready.

Regularly Update Keep Your Shop Refresh: Search engines love fresh content

  1. Make sure to make your shop and remember about it.
  2. Sometimes, look at your listings and update them with new info.
  3. Think about making your pictures, descriptions, and words fit with what people like now.

By doing these steps, you can make your Etsy shop better so more people see it, and you will make more sales. Always remember happy customers might come back and repeat buying from you.

Step 6: Create Consistent Canva Templates Listings on Etsy

consistent canva templates design

Template Design Consistency:

Maintain a consistent style and design across all your Canva templates. Consistency helps your customers remember your brand and trust the quality of your products. Consider the following:

  • Color Scheme: Use a consistent color palette that aligns with your brand. This can include primary and secondary colors in your templates, shop branding, and logo.
  • Typography: Choose a set of fonts that complement each other and reflect your brand's personality. Use these fonts consistently in your templates for headings, subheadings, and body text.
  • Visual Elements: Incorporate common visual elements or design motifs, such as shapes, icons, or patterns, that are present in all your templates.
  • Layout and Structure: Create a uniform structure for your templates so customers can easily navigate and understand how to use them. Consistency in layout helps customers quickly adapt to your products.
  • Branding Elements: Include your shop's branding elements, such as your logo and shop name, in each template.

Product Titles and Descriptions:

Use a consistent format for your product titles and descriptions. This aids customers in recognizing your listings and understanding what they offer. Write clear and engaging product descriptions that not only describe your template but also tell potential buyers why they need it—the more detailed and convincing your explanations, the better. Some tips include:

  • Title Structure: Develop a standardized structure for your titles, such as "Template Type - Specific Use - Style/Theme." Stick to this structure across all your listings.
  • Key Information: Ensure that key information, such as the template type, dimensions, and notable features, is presented consistently in your product descriptions.
  • Product Benefits: Highlight the benefits of each template in a similar manner. Use bullet points or a structured format to make it easy for customers to grasp the advantages.

Tags and Keywords:

Use consistent tags and keywords for all your listings to reinforce your brand's relevance in Etsy's search results. Implement a unified approach to keyword selection, considering all primary and secondary keywords. Consider what words people might use to find Canva Templates.

Pricing Strategy:

Maintain a consistent pricing strategy for your Canva templates. Consider factors like complexity, market demand, and your shop's reputation when setting your prices. Keep the pricing structure consistent across your listings.

Mockups and Presentation:

Present your templates consistently using mockups or in-context images. Customers should have a clear expectation of how the templates will appear in use. Use consistent branding elements in your mockup designs.

By maintaining consistency in your Canva template listings on Etsy, you create a recognizable and trustworthy brand. This consistency not only attracts and retains customers but also builds a strong reputation for your shop, ultimately leading to tremendous success on the platform.

Step 7: Scaling Your Canva Templates Etsy Shop

Scaling Your Etsy Shop As your business grows, it's essential to consider ways to work more efficiently and effectively.  

canva templates etsy store scaling step-by-step

Work Smarter as You Grow:

  • Consider outsourcing tasks like customer service or order fulfillment to save time.
  • This frees up your schedule to focus on creating more designs and growing your shop.

Expand Your Product Line:

  • Don't limit yourself to just one template type; diversify your offerings.
  • Create templates for different niches, broadening your customer base and increasing revenue.

Customize for Specific Audiences:

  • Craft personalized templates for specific target groups.
  • Tailoring solutions to diverse niches meets various customer needs, expanding your market reach.

Learn from Others:

  • Join Etsy communities and interact with fellow Selling Canva Templates sellers to gain insights.
  • Sharing experiences with others can help you navigate challenges and grow your shop.

By following these steps, you can level up your Selling Canva Templates Etsy shop, ensure lasting growth, and thrive in the long run. The key is to keep finding more intelligent ways to work, offer a broader range of products, and stay connected with other sellers. With commitment, creativity, and a focus on making customers happy, your Etsy shop can flourish and achieve long-term success.


Selling Canva templates on Etsy is a great way to make money online. Just follow these simple guides, step by step. Keep making your designs better, give customers what they like, and keep up with what's popular to stay competitive.

If you work hard and stick with it, you can grow your Etsy shop and make more money. So why not give it a try? You might be the next big Etsy seller!