How to Create FREE 10-10-10 Manifest Worksheet with Canva

Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? The 10-10-10 manifestation method is a widespread technique based on this principle, where you focus on your desires and cultivate positive thoughts to attract them into your life. It involves writing down 10 exciting desires, 10 things you're grateful for, and 10 things you love within a 10-minute timeframe. Embrace a mindset of abundance, gratitude, and personal growth with this simple practice.

But how do you ensure you're staying consistent with this method? That's where a 10-10-10 manifestation method worksheet comes in. Having a dedicated space to write down your desires, affirmations, and expressions of gratitude can work wonders in keeping you focused and motivated with a positive mindset. And the best part? You can create a personalized 10-10-10 worksheet for FREE using a user-friendly design tool like Canva.

To start create your 10-10-10 manifestation method worksheet, you'll need just a Canva account! Whether you choose the free account or opt for the pro version, Canva provides a user-friendly platform to bring your personalized manifestation worksheet to life. Canva's extensive template library and user-friendly design features make it simple for anyone without design experience to create a visually appealing and effective tool to support their intentions. So, get ready to unleash your creative spirit and manifest your desires with the help of Canva Graphic Design Tools!

desired gratitude love

Steps-By-Step to Create a 10-10-10 Manifestation Method Worksheet with Canva

manifesting create with canva design worksheet

Step 1: Open Canva and Choose a Template

Open up Canva and navigate to the "Templates" section. Here, you'll find a lot of pre-designed layouts waiting to be transformed into your manifestation masterpiece. Explore various options, from minimalist and elegant designs to vibrant and playful ones. Think about what you prefer and the overall feeling you want your worksheet to convey. Once you find a template that resonates with you, click on it to begin customizing!

Step 2: Customize the Template

The beauty of using Canva is its ease of customization. Unleash your inner designer and personalize the template to reflect your unique style and intentions. To edit text, double-click on any text box and replace the existing text with our desires, affirmations, or expressions of gratitude. Remember to include designated sections for the main elements of the 10-10-10 method: "10 Things I am Grateful For," "10 Things I Desire," and "10 Things I Believe."

Step 3: Enhance with Visual Elements

While not essential, incorporating visual elements can further enhance your manifestation journey. Explore Canva's vast library of free images, illustrations, and icons to find elements that resonate with your desires and personal aesthetic. Play around with backgrounds and shapes to create a visually engaging and inspiring layout that sparks joy and motivation every time you use your worksheet. Remember, the key is to personalize it authentically and empowering.

Step 4: Add Your Special Touch

This is where your creative spirit truly shines! Feel free to explore various fonts, colors, and layouts to customize your worksheet and give it a unique touch. You can even incorporate personal affirmations, quotes, or mantras with specific meaning. Remember, the more you personalize your worksheet, the stronger the connection you'll build with your intentions, making the manifestation process even more impactful.

Step 5: Download and Print

Once you're happy with your creation, it's time to save your masterpiece! Canva lets you download your worksheet in various formats, including PDF and image files. This allows you to use it digitally on your tablet or computer or print it out for a more tangible experience. Whether you keep it for yourself or share it with loved ones on their manifestation journeys, remember that the Power lies in your intention and the consistent action you take toward your goals. After printing on a piece of paper, you can begin writing down your 10-10-10 manifestation.

As you start on this Manifestation Journey, I encourage you to explore my other blog post about the Free Canva Vision Board Template, which offers additional options to enhance your manifesting experience.

Maximize Your Manifestation with 10-10-10 Manifestation Worksheet

daily routine daily manifest worksheet
smart goal manifest your goal

1. Embrace Daily Rituals: Integrate your worksheet into your daily routine. Whether during your morning affirmations or before bed reflection, setting aside dedicated time to revisit your desires, express gratitude, and recite personal affirmations can greatly enhance positive changes.

2. SMART Goals: Remember, the universe loves clarity. While dreaming big is essential, break down your desires into smaller, specific, measurable, Achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals within your worksheet. This will provide a more precise roadmap and increase your sense of achievable progress.

be creative find some inspiration
affirmation daily

3. Creative Expression: Beyond words, consider incorporating creative expression into your worksheet. Sketching, painting, or collaging images that resonate with your desires can further enhance the visualization process and strengthen the connection to your goals.

4. Affirmation Power: Regularly cite your affirmations, either silently or aloud. You can incorporate them into your worksheet or write them on sticky notes and place them around your living space for constant reminders.

Remember, this is your manifestation journey. Don't be afraid to experiment, personalize your worksheet, and trust the process. By consistently utilizing your 10-10-10 worksheet and actively working towards your desires, you'll be well on your way to manifesting the life you envision.

Tips and Tricks to Make 10-10-10 Manifest Worksheet for Effective Goal Setting

tips and tricks to create 10-10-10 Manifest worksheet with canva

Your free 10-10-10 manifestation worksheet is more than just a pretty layout; it's a powerful tool to propel you toward your dreams. Here's how to unlock its full potential for practical goal setting:

1. Be Specificity: Don't list generic desires like "be happy" or "get rich." Instead, get specific in our "10 Things I Desire" section. Describe the exact feelings, experiences, or possessions you crave, including details like timelines and sensory experiences. For example, instead of "better health," write "waking up feeling energized every morning with the ability to run a 5K by June." The more precise your mental image, the more powerful your ability to manifest your goals.

2. Cultivate Gratitude with Intention: Gratitude is the fuel for manifestation. Fill your "10 Things I am Grateful For" section with a genuine appreciation for the blessings in your life, big or small. This practice uplifts your mood and reinforces that good things are already flowing your way, attracting even more positivity.

3. Believe in the Power of "I Am": Your "10 Things I Believe" section holds immense Power. Write down positive affirmations that start with "I am," such as "I am worthy of success," "I am capable of achieving my goals," or "I am abundant and blessed." Repeating these affirmations strengthens your belief system and aligns your subconscious mind with your desires.

4. Visualization - See it to Believe it:  Go beyond writing and engage in visualization exercises. Imagine achieving your goals with vivid detail by closing your eyes and visualizing the outcome. Feel the emotions associated with success, see yourself in your desired state, and immerse yourself in the experience. This mental rehearsal strengthens your neural pathways, making your goals more attainable and increasing the likelihood of manifesting them.

5.  Final rule - Action is Key: Remember, manifestation isn't just about wishing; it's about taking inspired action. Use your worksheet as a springboard to set actionable steps for each goal. Divide your primary goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, and establish a consistent work schedule. By co-binding focused intention, positive action, and the Power of your worksheet, you'll be well on your way to achieving your dreams.

Finding Inspiration for your 10-10-10 Manifestation Worksheet on Canva 

finding inspiration canva worksheet

Here's how:

1. Explore the "Templates" section: Within Canva, head to the "Templates" section and search for keywords like "manifestation worksheet," "gratitude journal," or "vision board." Browse through the various options, paying attention to layouts, color schemes, and the use of visual elements.

2. Utilize the "Discover" tab: Click on the "Discover" tab and search for terms like "10-10-10 manifestation" or "gratitude prompts." This section showcases user-generated content, including designs and templates created by others. You might find inspiring examples of how others have structured their worksheets and incorporated visuals to enhance their manifestation journey.

3. Follow relevant creators: Look for Canva creators who specialize in manifestation or design templates. By following them, you'll gain access to their latest creations and discover new ways to design your worksheet.

4. Personalization: While these examples can spark your creativity, remember that the most effective worksheet is the one that resonates with you. Feel free to experiment with colors, fonts, and layouts to create a unique and inspiring worksheet.

By exploring these resources and embracing your creative spirit, you'll be well on your way to designing a beautiful and practical 10-10-10 manifestation worksheet on Canva, empowering you on your journey toward manifesting your dreams.

free download 10-10-10 manifesting worksheet

FREE DOWNLOAD 10-10-10 Manifest Worksheet

Are you ready to take control of your dreams and turn them into reality? Download my free 10-10-10 manifest worksheet now and start manifesting the life you desire! This powerful tool will help you clarify your goals, express gratitude, and focus on what truly matters to you. By breaking down your desires into actionable steps for the next 10 days, 10 months, and 10 years, you'll be able to visualize your future with clarity and purpose. Don't wait any longer – grab your free worksheet today and start manifesting a life full of abundance and joy!


So there you have it! With a free Canva account and a dash of creativity, you've successfully crafted your personalized 10-10-10 manifestation worksheet. Remember, the key steps involve:

  • Choosing a template that resonates with you.
  • Customizing it with your intentions and desired elements.
  • Personalizing it with your unique flair.

Remember to leverage the Power of visual elements to enhance your experience further. Most importantly, use your worksheet consistently, revisit your desires and affirmations regularly, and take inspired action toward your goals. Remember, the 10-10-10 method is just a starting point. As you start on this journey of manifestation, explore additional resources and delve deeper into the Law of Attraction to empower yourself on your path to abundance and fulfillment.